30 June 2012

Setting up Oracle ODBC on Windows 7

Just a quick note note of the steps I took to setup a Oracle 11g ODBC connection on a Windows 7 desktop:

  • Download the appropriate Oracle Instant Client
    • Get the Basic and the ODBC zip files
  • Unzip both into the same folder (e.g. C:\OracleInstantClient\ )
  • Execute odbc_install.exe in the Instant Client Folder
  • Change your System Environment variables:
    • Add the Instant Client Folder to the path
    • Create a ORACLE_HOME and add the Instant Client Folder
  • Create a “network\admin” folder in the Instant Client folder and create your tnsnames.ora file in there, with the appropriate values.
  • You are now able to create a DSN in the ODBC manager using the Oracle driver that uses the TNS names defined in the .ora file

Hope this helps someone Smile

29 June 2012

VS2010 and Web Standards Update Pain

I recently moved to a Windows 7 64bit machine and began my install dance. When I tried to install the excellent Web Standards Update extension, it complained that it couldn't find SP1. Re-installing or removing and installing did not help.

In the Q and A pages I found a solution:

  • Using the free InstEd It! tool I modified the MSI
    •  In the Tables tab -> select the CustomAction entry -> remove the VSDCA_VsdLaunchConditions row
    • Save and install the MSI
Now I had found I could not open any css file. It seems the problem was that my Visual Studio was not installed in the OS drive. I copied the {OS drive}\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10\Common7\Packages to the corresponding folder on my installion drive, and happiness! Everything worked.

Quite the hack, but I hope it helps someone. Just don't blame me if things break :)