20 May 2010

Rhinomocks stub mulitple return values

Rhinomocks stubbing is great, but sometimes we need a stubbed instance to return different values.

public void gggg()
var myobject = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IMyInterface>();
myobject.Stub(x => myobject.MyMethod()).Return("woof");
myobject.Stub(x => x.MyMethod()).Return("croak");

In this case MyMethod will always return “woof”. The “croak” will only be return if we use the .Repeat statements to tell Rhinomocks to limit the usage of the values.

public void gggg()
var myobject = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IMyInterface>();
myobject.Stub(x => myobject.MyMethod()).Return("woof").Repeat.Once();
myobject.Stub(x => x.MyMethod()).Return("croak");
Here the first call to MyMethod will return “woof”, all subsequent calls will return “croak”.

1 comment:

  1. In your examples should not the lambda in both calls to Stub be the same? i.e. I don't think x => myobject.MyMethod() is going to work. It should be x => x.MyMethod() in both cases.
