27 January 2011

git svn : Path is not canonicalized

At my new job I have to use SVN, but I am a git convert. So: git svn to the rescue!
git svn clone -s https://MACHINENAME:8443/svn/PROJECTNAME/
produced the following error:
error 0: REPORT request failed on '/svn/PROJECTNAME/!svn/vcc/default': 
Path 'https://MACHINENAME:8443/svn/PROJECTNAME'is not canonicalized; 
there is a problem with the client. at C:\Program Files\Git/libexec/git-core/git-svn 
line 5114 
seems it doesn't like the capital letters??!!
git svn clone -s https://machinename:8443/svn/projectname/ 
works as expected.